Birth as a Heroic Journey
Childbirth Educator Training & Certification
Membership in Birthing from Within
Birthing from Within’s Values and Philosophy
How is Birth Like a Heroic Journey
The Phases of the Heroic Journey
Solution Focused Dialogue: 5 Words for Mindfully Engaging
Solution Focused Dialogue for Mentors
Home Practice: Heroic Journey in Movies
Birthing from Within and Trauma Informed Care
Finding Parents to Practice With
Mentoring Skills: Scaffolding and Building a Module
Childbirth Educator Skills: Getting Your Classes Up and Running
Resource: Getting Started with Pain Coping
Process Map: Assessing Parents Expectations - Scaling
Process Map: Assessing Parents Response - Baseline with Ice
Process Map: Pain-Coping-Breath Awareness
Demonstration: Pain-Coping: Scaling, Baseline, & Breath Awareness
Home Practice: Scaling, Baseline, & Breath Awareness
Seeing Myself as a Parent: Birth Art Map & Home Practice
Mentoring Skills: Avoiding Avoiding
Resource Document: What to pack in the birth bag?
Demonstration: Finding the Center
Home Practice: Finding the Center
Resources: Making Decisions/Informed Consent
Map: Informed Consent/Making Decisions
Supporting Parents through Fear & Uncertainty
Map: Wise & Compassionate Use of Drugs
Birth Art: Seeing Yourself Strong
CBE Skills: Special Class for Partners
Resources: Vocalization in Labor
Home Practice: Vocalization in Labor
Process Map: Courageous & Compassionate Excavation of Fears
Supporting Parents through Loss
Resource: Birth Trauma Tangible Tools
Birth Art Map: Opening with a Frame
Welcome to the Fact Gathering Basket
Resource List for Clients (Also found in certification packet)
Research Home Practice: Mindfulness
Resource Document: Prenatal Nutrition
Research Home Practice: Prenatal Nutrition, Stress Reduction, and Exercise
A Baby's Development Week by Week
Modern Knowing: Stages of Labor & Mechanics of Birth
Resource Document: Early Labor Support
Resource Document: Active Labor & Transition Support
Resource Document: How to Time Contractions
The Hormonal Physiology of Childbirth
Home Practice: Create a Module on the Physiology of Labor
Modern Knowing: Optimal Fetal Positioning
Resources: Optimal Fetal Positioning
Resources: Hands-On Support for Labor
Research Home Practice: Optimal Fetal Positioning
Modern Knowing: Positions for Labor
Resource Document: Back Labor Support
Research Home Practice: Positions for Labor
Home Practice: Create a Module on OFP and Positions for Labor
Resource Document: Supporting Inductions
Resource Document: Pain Medication Options Chart
Modern Knowing: Medical Tools & Support, Induction Methods
Research Home Practice: Pharmaceuticals for Pain, Induction, or Cesarean Birth
Home Practice: Create a Module on Induction, Epidural, & Cesarean Birth
Resource Document: Support for Long & Short Labors
Resource Document: Second Stage/Pushing Support
Modern Knowing: Immediate Postpartum
Resource Document: Third Stage & Immediate Postpartum
Modern Knowing: Infant Feeding
Resources: Hands on Support for Labor
Research Home Practice: Immediate Postpartum, Newborn Choices, and/or Infant Feeding
Resource Document: Postpartum & Fourth Trimester Overview
Home Practice: Create a Module on Immediate Postpartum & Infant Feeding
Resource: Assessing Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders
Home Practice: Create a Module on Postpartum Planning and Postpartum Mood Disorders
Business Essentials for Birth Workers & Online Community
Business Essentials for Birth Workers
If you have transferred into this BaHJ, from the previous format, you can purchase this workbook for $20 (a $10 discount) here.
If you have purchased this training, you will have free access at the link above.
Click here to access the Birth as a Heroic Journey online forum.
You will use the same credentials (email/password) that you use to log into this website. The first time you join you will be prompted to set up a profile. You can adjust your notification settings for each Module page using the gear icon so that you receive (or don’t) notifications for activity.
All of the documents from each Module in one place. You can save to your device and/or print.