Crossing the Threshold: An Embodied Retreat for Groups
This offering is also available for individuals.
This offering is designed for teams that work with birthing people and families and are looking to be inspired, nourished, and refreshed. We offer this retreat live in a virtual format, or in person in select locations.
This skillfully guided retreat creates space for intentional self-exploration and new learning about birth. Leave with concrete, embodied practices you can apply to your work with parents right away. Gain a new lens through storytelling, art, ritual, dialogue, and community connection.
Be sure to read the full Refund & Cancellation Policy in the Terms of Service when you register.
Inquire within and unearth insights and self-compassion.
Connect with yourself, a supportive community, and your work with parents.
Replenish your excitement and creativity in your personal and professional life.
Expand your mind and heart with new ideas and perspectives about birth.

Sponsor organization purchases a retreat for their members or employees to attend as a professional development and enrichment activity
Sponsor chooses and registers up to 15 participants
Flat fee: $7000
Sponsor a retreat:
Host a retreat:
Host organization plans a retreat and chooses to offer tickets to their members or the general public
Host promotes the event
10% discount on registration for members of host org, or 2 free tickets for host to assign
Participants pay for themselves
Maeve Sundstrom LM, CPM
“So many times I have witnessed visible softening of shoulders and deepening of breath in clients when I can meet them with the spaciousness and acceptance I have cultivated through my work with Birthing from Within.”
Crossing the Threshold is an intentional, guided experience built to foster embodied, personal, and expansive learning.
It is designed for aspiring and experienced birth professionals who want to explore new perspectives and gain fresh insights about birth and their role as birth workers.
OB/GYNs, midwives, nurses, doulas, IBCLCs, therapists, yoga teachers, parent support group leaders, body workers, or those just birth-work-curious, this workshop will give you the compassionate salve that you need to inspire and deepen your practice.
Crossing the Threshold can be experienced in a two-and-a-half day immersion or a five-week series. For groups, we offer CtT in a virtual format, or live in select locations. This is a dynamic, embodied retreat- you will not be watching presentations for the entire weekend!
“Crossing the Threshold has given me the framework I need to bring my deepest self to birth work, so I can work with parents on a deeper level through the transformative process of giving birth.”
“BFW has greatly changed the way in which I view birth and how I can compassionately share insight about birth with others. It’s difficult to summarize, but I know I’ll never be the same after having experienced this profound time with others. Thank you!”
“This retreat was so impactful. It is truly a transformative experience. I love that everything is focused on inner work. Looking back, I was able to be so present throughout the weekend, and that is usually difficult for me. I learned a lot about myself, and most of all, I learned to offer myself grace.”
This retreat is eligible for 10.5 Contact Hours from Birthing from Within.
Crossing the Threshold: an Embodied Learning Retreat for groups
Interested in sponsoring or hosting a Crossing the Threshold retreat? Reach out using the form below.