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Welcome to Birthing From Within's Prenatal Bodywork: Touch From Within course! This video goes over the basic format of course, what common threads are woven through each module, the reading list, and more.
Welcome to Birthing From Within®’s Touch From Within Course! We are so glad you are here.
Online Course Information:
This course consists of six learning modules and participating in an online community. While the course is self-paces, we recommend designating a set time each week or month devoted to exploring and engaging with the course materials, practicing, and sharing your experiences in the online community.
Course Preparation:
In addition to the specific preparation described in each learning module, please begin gathering the following books and supplies to support your learning:
>Heart Centered Pregnancy Journal by Nikki Shaheed
>Coaching Plain and Simple by Peter Szabo
>The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin and Robyn Dalzen >Optional: A nice anatomy book or app (like Netter's Anatomy or a recent version of Trail Guide to the Body)
>Chalk pastels (or other media like pencils, pens, markers, etc) and large blank sheets of paper (larger than 11X14 is ideal)
>Cushions and pillows
>Oils (coconut oil is nice and does not easily go rancid)
>Linens (a twin or double sheet set is great, with pillow cases and towels)
>Maybe a massage table if that's something you are wanting to offer regularly as a service, the table can be helpful for your body mechanics.
>A pelvis model helpful for learning and client education!
Additional supplies will be listed within each module.
I also recommend that you begin reaching out in your community to find pregnant or non- pregnant volunteers with whom you could practice. A non-pregnant family member or roommate is absolutely fine!
Be sure to complete the Video/Audio Release and General Liability Waiver forms before beginning. These are located on the course landing page.
Optional Mentoring Session:
Once you complete the online course you are eligible to register for a 1:1 mentoring session (additional cost is $290 and is required for certification, if desired). This can be in-person if you are able to travel to the San Diego area, or we can do the session virtually so you can ask questions that are relevant to the unique way you plan to use this bodywork training.
Course Completion:
Certification requirements for those who are certified massage therapists :
Complete assignments and quizzes (google form submissions at the end of each module) Participate in online community forum (minimum one post per module on topic of interest) Pay $290 certification fee and register for Mentoring Session
Schedule and attend 1:1 Mentoring Session (approximately two hours)
Submit two self evaluations Submit two client evaluations
Participants will receive a Touch From Within Certificate of Completion at the end of the online course, and massage therapists already certified or licensed by their state/province/country can add “Certified Prenatal Massage Therapist” to their credentials after completing certification requirements.
Please contact the BFW Office at contact@birthingfromwithin.com or (505)585-1823 with any questions you may have about registration, the online platform, and course administration. For questions about the course preparation, content, volunteers, video access, etc, please contact your Course Facilitator directly at hello@jamiemossay.com. Also, if you have any accessibility concerns or needs, please let us know in advance so we can accommodate you.
If you are interested in helping Birthing From Within make Touch From Within and our other retreats and trainings accessible to all, please consider making contribution to our Equity Fund. https://birthingfromwithin.com/equity-donation-page/ Contributions to this fund will go directly to scholarships for Black, Indigenous, People Of Color (BIPOC) and people from other marginalized communities, ongoing support and mentoring for BIPOC in our programs, and support of BIPOC-led birth organizations. Thank you!
Welcome again to our community!
With gratitude,
Birthing From Within and
Jamie Mossay, Course Facilitator