Building Your Birth Business


Hello and welcome, we're so glad you have chosen Birthing from Within to support your continued growth and learning!

Parents experience so many benefits from having Birth Art processes be part of their childbirth preparation - and healing - experiences. Art-making in prenatal preparation gives each parent the experience of moving out of their neocortex and into their creative, intuitive mind, where they can begin to access deeper beliefs, insights, imagery, and solutions than they could in the ordinary beta-brainwave state of alert consciousness. Thus, parents get a taste of the “Labor Land” mindset, as well as the unconscious mind’s ability to generate unlimited possibilities and solutions for any issues that might arise.

We are excited to dive into this course and embody Birth Art processes with you so that you can bring this rich experience to parents. Below you will find a supply list, a mindful engagement document, and the syllabus.

There are supplemental documents and videos for each lesson. You can move through each lesson on your own time throughout the week, but be sure to leave plenty of time for practice. The more often you engage in the birth art process, the more dynamic your mentoring will be! 

Logistics such as dates, times, information about the instructor, and link to join the virtual session have been sent to the email provided.

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Call & leave a message, or text: (505) 585-1823

This workshop is presented in spoken English. Automated captions are available. We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Lauren at, or call (505) 585-1823. Please submit accommodation requests at least two weeks in advance of event for seamless access.

Before the course.

  • -journal/notebook & writing utencils

  • These guidelines are an enactment of the value that we place on relationality, self-reflection, inclusivity, and the dismantling of oppressive patterns, and they reflect our expectations of both ourselves and our course participants.

    Please read through these guidelines carefully to help co-create a safer and more nurturing space where participants can learn, share, and grow fully.

This course consists of four weekly live sessions led by a trainer, with content and home practices for you to engage with in between. The content for lesson one will be available one week before the first call. Please dive in!

Please visit the Building Your Birth Business Community Group to introduce yourself! Follow the link in your welcome email to join the Community Group. This is where you will ask questions, connect with your facilitator and peers, and submit your homework assignments.

Suggested Reading for Continued Learning

Sabia Wade….

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Accessing recordings of live sessions:

We know that practitioners join us from all over the world and understand the nature of birth work and an on-call lifestyle. Each live session will be recorded and the recording will be emailed to you within 48 hours.

Please keep an eye on your email for subject line “RECORDING: Birth Art Session X” from

Learning Objectives:

Be able to:

  1. Create a comprehensive doula life plan that reflects personal and professional goals.

  2. Develop a concise and engaging elevator speech that communicates your services and unique value as a doula.

  3. Construct a personal biography that highlights relevant experiences, qualifications, and passions as a birth worker.

  4. Articulate a clear mission statement that reflects your personal and professional values.

  5. Identify and understand the essential professional protocols for doulas, including ethical guidelines and boundaries.

Learning Objectives:

Be able to:

  1. Explain the BfW birth art process: what it is and why it is potentially transformative.

  2. Set up a space conducive for making birth art including gathering art materials for drawing assignments in the birth art process.

  3. Describe two principles for choosing a particular birth art assignment for an individual or class.

  4. Demonstrate how to give a birth art assignment clearly.

  5. Develop an understanding for how to effectively offer a visualization for a Birth Art prompt.

  6. Demonstrate how to coax the artists during the art-making process to “keep going” and state three keep going prompts.

  7. State the reasons for transition-journaling and state three journaling prompts.

Learning Objectives:

Be able to:

  1. Develop an understanding of the difference between solution-focused versus problem-focused.

  2. State at least four solution-focused questions.

  3. Demonstrate a solution-focused dialogue after volunteer makes birth art.

  4. Demonstrate not analyzing the image, but focusing on the learning process from making the art.
    State rationale for choosing a particular art assignment.

Self-Motivated and Experiential Learning:

  1. Read the modules:

    -  Van Gogh's Shoes

    -  The Lively Solution-Focused Dialogue

  2. Lead your second birth art session, a one-hour private birth art session with a volunteer (friend, pregnant or postpartum parent or birth-related professional). Follow the guidelines from Week Three above.

  3. After your session, using self-evaluation prompts, reflect on: what worked, and what didn't seem to; list teaching moments you identified; and what parents learned. Post a summary of your session and what you learned this week on the Birth Art Community Group, and ask questions if you have any. 

Learning Objectives:

Be able to:

  1. State different approaches that would be used with groups vs. individuals.

  2. Demonstrate how to give a clay assignment clearly.

  3. Experience a Birth Art clay assignment.

  4. Describe at least two birth art assignments for clay sculpting.

Self-Motivated and Experiential Learning:

  1. Experience and embody the power of clay birth art.

  2. Lead a volunteer through one birth art session using clay

After the course.

Welcome to the community! We have many offerings for continued growth and learning, wherever you are in your journey. You can explore more upcoming Continuing Education opportunities browsing our Course Catalog or Calendar.

Become a member of Birthing from Within.

Membership benefits include free monthly continuing education, a listing on our directory, monthly anti-racism education opportunities, discounts, use of the BfW logo, and more. In order to become a member, you must complete the course Foundations of Birthing from Within: Heart of Mentoring. The course fee ($200) includes one year of membership.

If you’re interested in a deeper dive, join Birth as a Heroic Journey, our Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator training. This 7 module self-paced course offers the opportunity to certify as a birth doula, a childbirth educator, or both! It includes an online course with live interactive calls with an instructor, so that you are supported through each step of your learning process.

Evaluation & Certificate Request