Client & Provider Evaluation Forms

Client & Provider Evaluation Forms

These evaluations serve as an opportunity for both you and the medical care provider to understand the ways in which you work as a team; for practicing the art of requesting, receiving, and processing feedback; and for gaining insight into how various medical care providers in your community view and value doula care in general and your work in particular. 

Birthing from Within understands that medical care providers' perspectives are by no means the full story of what your support looks like for your clients; we are not necessarily looking for uniformly "good" evaluations when we review your certification packets. You can always offer supplemental information about your support and your interactions with medical staff during your final review call.

We also understand that in some cases, it may not be possible, advisable, and/or appropriate for you to request/receive completed evaluation forms. In such cases, please reach out to Christine ( before submitting your certification packet.


Client Confidentiality Release Form


Prenatal, Birth, & Postpartum Visit Documentation