Gratitude & Next Steps

Thank you for your heartfelt participation in Birth as a Heroic Journey.

Whether your goal is to certify, or to receive the unique skills and wisdom that BfW offers without completing certification, we hope that this course has deepened your personal practice and enriched your work with parents.

If you have completed the training and/or certified, congratulations! You will receive your certificate upon completion of the certification process.

If you are not certifying but would like a certificate of course completion, complete this final assessment and then email to request the certificate.

Please take a moment to share about your experience in this training by completing this course survey. We appreciate any feedback you have to offer.

If you need more time to complete the course or certify:

  • If you plan to certify and still need course access (you have not watched all the course videos and/or have not attended all the required Module Calls), we offer a full course extension which includes access to the course documents, course audio and videos, Module Calls (required for certification), and the community forum. This option is $350, gives you 6 months of additional access and also extends your deadline to certify by 6 months.


If you have received a scholarship for the training and would like a scholarship for the extension, please reach out to us at for information about a reduced extension rate.

  • If you need additional time to certify and/or want access to the course documents ONLY, you can purchase a 6 month extension for $150, which gives you access to the Document Library and extends certification by 6 months.


    **Please note course access/certification extensions must be purchased within 1 year of your original certification deadline or you will have to repurchase the course at full price.**

Not sure which path is the right one for you? Email for guidance, we’re here to help. After certification, active lifetime certification is contingent upon current Membership. We look forward to seeing you in our Membership community, on our provider directory, and in our monthly continuing education calls.

Thank you, again, for choosing Birthing from Within.

In community,

BfW Leadership